The teeDOTbee Community
talk.bizarre is a virtual community
Unlike other Usenet Newsgroups, the denizens here all know each other
-- perhaps not in person, but definitely in spirit. This is not a
``bulletin board'' or a ``message area.''
We strive together to create something out of the ordinary, to express
ourselves well, to create texts that defy mundanity and boggle the mind.
You can be part of our community. How:
- Read Before You Post. (We call this "Read Learn Evolve.")
- Never post non-bizarre things. (We call this: "Fail to Suck.")
- Keep postings short and well-written. (We call this: "Editing.")
That's IT?
That's it.
That's all you have to do.
Oh, Yeah.
Except for one thing, of course. You must report to reprogramming to
have the Monty Python portion of your brain removed. We don't DO Python
Here is a handy list of some other things that are not considered bizarre:
- advertisements,
- surveys,
- moneymaking schemes,
- crossposts,
- smileys,
- Monty Python,
- net "celebrities" (we created them),
- any posts which could contain boastful uses of the words "me too,"
- long .signatures,
- personal ads,
- anything that belongs in a newsgroup containing the name CONFIG, FAN,
and especially...
- unattributed work of other artists.
Last updated: 20 Jun 1995
Copyright 1995 monsieur HAINEUX,
somewhere on the net. All rights donated
to the talk.bizarre Public Trust.
These pages are netscape-dehanced
to get that total, virtually bizarre, scent.
Miles O'Neal,
Rte 1, Box 558 / Leander, TX / 78641-9413
Web space provided by
Schober O'Neal.